Shropshire Star

Cops kick back at 'disappointing' wave of 'misogynist' comments on social media post

Police have pushed back against "sexist and misogynist comments" targetting a social media post.

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The post, shared on Facebook, showed two female Sargeants out on patrol. Photo: Telford & Wrekin Cops

A photo shared on Tuesday by Telford and Wrekin Cops showed two female Sergeants from West Mercia Police patrolling on bikes.

Before long the post was hounded by what the police described as "offensive commentary belittling the work of two professional police officers".

By Thursday police had begun to remove comments.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the police said: "We have hidden the sexist and misogynist comments made on this post. It is very disappointing to see this type of offensive commentary belittling the work of two professional police officers engaging with the public and working within the community.

"Our female officers are daughters, sisters, mothers and partners – they are doing a tough job – please remember that and think about how you would like members of your own family to be spoken about.

"Many thanks to everyone who has been shocked by the comments and taken a stance in defending our officers. We appreciate it very much."

In two days, the image attracted 406 comments and 19 shares. In comparison, a post showing two male officers patrolling on bikes just three weeks earlier had 25 comments, and just three shares.

Among the comments remaining, one said: "Female 'Sergeants' with two years service out on a jolly gossiping together - while a single crewed male officer is no doubt getting punched in the face at a domestic that there’s 'no other units available for'."

Another said: "They send out two young girls on patrol in a rural area. Probably both are not streetwise or not capable of overpowering a a man say 6ft2 and 17 stone. It's ok all smiles for the selfie and giving high fives to all the dog walkers and joggers would they be able to handle themselves in a situation? As for both being sergeants I'm amazed they have have amassed that much life experience that their bosses believe they are capable of command!!"

And: "Two pretty young girls out and about saying good morning and chatting to people is NOT going to stop or solve crime. Talk about mismanagement."

But many others were outraged by the comments.

One commenter wrote: "So many men commenting sexist and childish replies... God help their daughters growing up in a home where a father thinks its ok to belittle women and girls."

"Well done ladies," another wrote: "keep up the good work ignore the negative, pathetic, unfair comments."