Shropshire Star

Telford resident group has funding boost from housebuilder

A community group that works together to address issues for residents has received a major cash boost.

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Cllr Jim Lavery, Liz Rees, Cllr Stephen Reynolds, Rose Gregory, Alan Watkins and Heather Cooper

Persimmon Homes West Midlands has awarded Donnington Partnership Charitable Trust a £1,000 grant as they continue to support local groups and charities in Telford.

Formed in 1995, the trust was initially set up to address the rising levels of vandalism in the local area.

With local agencies and residents working together, it aims to create a strong partnership for the community and strives to improve people's quality of life.

Councillor Richard Overton, deputy leader at Telford & Wrekin Council, who works on the project, said: “This is absolutely incredible news, we’re over the moon and can’t say thank you enough to Persimmon Homes.

“This £1,000 will help us fund a community minibus, one that has a disabled ramp, to help the community centre recover after Covid.

“We’re currently relying heavily on external luncheon clubs to bring people back in, but this funding will help our cafe get back up and running which will secure essential income for us to survive.

“Another way we will look to use the money will be for our youth club. Most of the people we support come from deprived areas so it will be great to give our volunteers some much need cash to be able to take the children out on trips.

“Our partnership with a local boxing club will also benefit as a lot of youngsters go there for sparring and competitions. So far, we’ve raised £19,500 but thanks to Persimmon we’re now one step closer to getting what we need.”

David Greengrass, sales director designate for Persimmon Homes West Midlands, said: “We’re really excited to be working with the trust this month.

“Richard and the team have already done some incredible fundraising work, but the pandemic has thrown up some difficult challenges in recent months.

“It’s always great to hear how our community champions donation will be used and this occasion is no different. Hopefully it will spur them on to reach their target and get a community minibus on the road as soon as possible.”

Persimmon donates up to £64,000 a month to fund initiatives as part of the highly successful Community Champions scheme.

For more information visit, or to apply for Community Champions funding visit

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