Shropshire Star

Telford councillors in cycle challenge to raise funds for the homeless

Councillors from Telford will be taking part in a charity cycle ride to raise awareness of the issues faced by the homeless, specifically rough sleepers.


The charity cycle ride will raise funds for organisations who provide ongoing support for homeless people in the borough.

The main objective of the cycle ride is to raise awareness of homelessness, the work with partners to prevent homelessness and help available to people who are at risk of being homeless to access accommodation, housing advice and support.

To raise money, Telford & Wrekin Councilors will cycle over 80 miles, equivalent of cycling twice through the borough’s main towns. They are cycling on exercise bikes inside ASDA supermarket in Telford Town Centre on World Homeless Day on Thursday.

They will raise money for organisations include ManInPlace, Kip, STAY Telford and YMCA Wellington.

Councillor David Wright, cabinet member for housing, said: “Homelessness is still an issue in the borough and we are committed to tackling and preventing it with the support of our partners, who we would not be able to do this without.

“Our teams and partners work hard constantly throughout the year to help rough sleepers and those who are about to become homeless; whether it be raising awareness, raising donations or applying for funding.

“To raise extra funds we will be in the saddle for charity – homelessness can affect people from all of our communities so we’re saying get on your bike to help get rid of homelessness."

People can make a donation to the effort at or within ASDA on Thursday.