Shropshire Star

MP writes to supermarket chief over controversial parking plans

The chief executive of Morrisons has been told the supermarket's plans to limit the use of its car park will lead to a town's firms suffering.

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Lucy Allan, MP for Telford, has written to David Potts, chief executive of the supermarket giant, to call on his firm to rethink its plans for number plate recognition cameras at its Lawley Square car park.

The cameras, which were rejected by Telford & Wrekin Council but approved on appeal by a planning inspector, will potentially limit how long people can park at the site.

The prospect of their introduction has sparked huge criticism from local residents, with some calling for a boycott of the store and cutting up their Morrisons cards in protest.

In her letter Ms Allan said: "Lawley Square is a community of business and new homes built around parking at Morrisons. The concern is that people will avoid the area once the cameras are installed and parking restricted, leading local businesses to suffer. The local school also use Lawley Square to ease congestion by the school to improve safety of the children. It is used as community parking.

"Furthermore, services located at Lawley Square such as GPs, the pharmacy, vets and many others were planned with little or no parking as it identified the community car park as an alternative. Consequently, staff of those organisations will no longer have parking facilities, which will impact their ability to operate and provide a service to the local community."

A Morrisons spokesman has previously said the cameras are a response to complaints from customers who cannot find places to park while shopping.

He said: "We continue to listen to our customers and the community and will review their comments before any changes are made to the management of the Lawley Square car park."

An application for signs advertising the cameras will be considered by Telford & Wrekin Council's planning committee on Wednesday.

The application is recommended for approval.