Shropshire Star

Scheme launches to end 'period poverty' in Telford schools

A project aiming to end ‘period poverty’ in schools has already collected thousands of donations since being launched in Telford.

The donation made by the Ironbridge and Severn Gorge Lions group

The Red Box Project is a nationwide, community-funded initiative to ensure no young woman misses school because she has her period and lacks access to sanitary products.

The scheme collects donations of sanitary products and delivers them to schools, which then makes them available for students when required.

A branch of the project has now been set up in Telford, with people urged to take donations to one of 23 drop-off points around the borough.

The Ironbridge and Severn Gorge Lions group has already been involved by donating 6,800 sanitary products, which will be taken to schools when they reopen in September.

Tracey Sheppard, one of the co-ordinators of the scheme in Telford, said: “Our aim is to end period poverty in schools. “Young girls around the country are having days off because they haven’t got access to sanitary products. I was quite shocked to hear this. They are probably using pieces of sheets or toilet paper to get them through the day.

“I don’t know how widespread the problem is in Telford, it’s not necessarily a subject girls want to speak about, but we know it goes on.”

She said there were now 23 drop-off points at organisations, businesses and shops across the borough where people could leave donations of sanitary towels or tampons.

“The aim is to get people to add boxes to their shops or businesses where people can put their donations,” she added.

“The boxes will be taken to participating schools.

“There are two schools on board already but it is still the summer holidays so we are hoping every school will get on board when they go back.

“Ironbridge Lions have donated 6,800 sanitary products, which we are very grateful for. Other donations have been collected as well.”

The Red Box Project in Telford is a not-for-profit organisation but is looking into becoming a registered charity.

Organisers are also looking for donations of boxes and businesses, which can fund flyers to promote the project.

To find out more about the drop-off points visit The Red Box Project – Telford page on Facebook. To donate, go to