Shropshire Star

Town bosses start to count cost of Storm Babet as damage caused by water is detailed

A market town's council has set out how it plans to recover from the damage caused to public property caused by Storm Babet.

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The town council's floating pontoon was lifted by the flood waters and has come to rest in an awkward position. Picture: Ludlow Town Council

Storm Babet hit the UK with torrential rain and flash flooding on Friday, October 20, and despite only having a yellow warning in the area, Ludlow residents were affected by flooding on a number of roads around the town.

Ludlow Town Council, in a report to its meeting on Monday said that the two rivers in Ludlow began to flood and sandbags for Lower Corve Street and Temeside were requested from Shropshire Council.

But there were other impacts around town, including water getting on the stairs inside the museum at Buttercross, and in the kitchen.

A report to councillors says its workers will inspect both locations from a position on the roof to see if there are any obvious issues that would allow water ingress.

"If it is an easy issue to resolve, such as blocked guttering, the direct labour force will be able to undertake this work. If the issue is structural quotes will be obtained from local heritage building contractors and brought back to committee for consideration," says a report to councillors.

Flooding closed the Linney Riverside Park car park on Friday, Saturday and Sunday due to rising river levels.

The flooding lifted the car park surface onto the grassed area, causing damage to the car park and that the grass will die if the stone is not removed. The council's work force will carry out work and buy extra stone as necessary.

Flooding lifted the car park surface onto the grassed area at the Linney Riverside Park. Picture: Ludlow Town Council

The river boundary fence acted as a trap for debris and vegetation which increased the force of the water causing damage to the fence.

"As the fence is still in situ and acting as a barrier between the site and the river no repairs are proposed immediately. It will be inspected weekly, and repairs will be considered at a later date dependent on any further damage or deterioration," the report says.

This river boundary fence was a trap for debris and was pushed out of place. Picture: Ludlow Town Council

"As long as there are no safety issues, delaying repairs, in case there is further flooding, is more cost effective for the council."

The town council's floating pontoon was lifted by the flood waters and has come to rest in an awkward position.

"This has happened before and is rectified by the Direct Labour Force using a tractor and ropes to release the pontoon from where it is stuck and lift it to its correct position.

"For safety reasons, this work cannot be undertaken until the ground has dried out. In the meantime, signage has been erected to say the jetty is closed and the access gate has been padlocked shut."

Town councillors were asked to note the report.