Shropshire Star

Major solar farm near Ludlow looks set for approval despite concerns

A major £26 million solar farm set in the south Shropshire countryside is being backed for approval by planning officers.

Shropshire Council's Southern Planning Committee will decide on the proposal

The plan, for land to the south of Rocks Farm, at Rocks Green, near Ludlow, is the latest solar farm proposal put forward for the county.

A decision on whether the plan can go ahead is set to be taken by Shropshire Council's Southern Planning Committee on Tuesday.

The proposal, from Anglo Renewables Rock Farm, would cover 56.52 hectares, and would be next to the existing Henley Solar Farm, and the Ledwyche Solar Farm – which was rejected by Shropshire Council but overturned by a planning inspector earlier this year.

A report from Shropshire Council planning officer, Grahame French, says the 40 megawatt solar farm would generate electricity for 11,300 households – with a CO2 saving of approximately 19,200 tonnes per year.

Construction would take six months and the solar farm would have an operational life of 40 years.

Mr French recommends councillors approve the application subject to conditions.

But, the plans have attracted opposition, including from local residents, Historic England, and Bitterley and Ludford Parish Councils.