Shropshire Star

Schools' concert for Ukraine held in Ludlow raises £2,000

A schools concert held in Ludlow has raised £2,000 for a local support group for Ukraine.

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From left; Tom Hunt of Ludlow Rotary Club; Martin Vincent, chairman of the North Herefordshire and South Shropshire Ukraine Support Group, and Roy Major, treasurer of the support group

Ludlow Rotary Club recently handed over a cheque for £2,000 to the North Herefordshire and South Shropshire Ukraine Support Group following the Youth Makes Music event last November.

Students from six local schools put on a concert organised by Ludlow Rotary at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms.

The schools involved were Bedstone College, Bishop's Castle Community College, Earl Mortimer College, Lucton School, Moor Park School and Weobley High School.

Rotarian Tom Hunt, who co-ordinated the event, said: “The club wanted to find a way in which the young people of our district could show their solidarity with the people of Ukraine and at the same time raise much needed funds for charities and organisations providing relief.

"All six schools responded magnificently to the opportunity and a great evening was had by all.”

Receiving the cheque at a recent meeting the support group's chairman said the donation comes at a critical time.

Martin Vincent, chairman of the North Herefordshire and South Shropshire Ukraine Support Group, said: “This donation towards the work of the group comes at a critical time.

"We expect there will be a significant call on our resources when Ukrainian refugees in our area move on from their host families to independent living, and we are currently anxious to hear from anyone with spare, self-contained accommodation in Ludlow who can help us meet this need.

"Meanwhile, this contribution from the Ludlow Rotary Club, made possible through the efforts of the young people of the area, is greatly appreciated. Our thanks go to all who were involved.”

Anyone who can help with the provision of accommodation for Ukrainian families can contact the Ukraine Support Group by phoning Roy Major on 07884 267488.

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