Shropshire Star

Ludlow's Lady Godiva smashes fundraising target in memory of her mum

South Shropshire's answer to Coventry's Lady Godiva was reduced to tears when she was told the difference her fundraising efforts would make.

Grace Oakley on her ride through Ludlow

Grace Oakley, aged 29, of Wheathill, near Ludlow, smashed her £2,000 fundraising target with her almost-naked horse ride through the streets of the town on Sunday. Yesterday (Tuesday) she was closing in on £3,000.

"I was in tears when they said my fundraising could pay for 563 helpline calls," said Grace, who was raising funds for the charity PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide.

Grace's mum, Kate, took her own life in 2004 and she wants to make sure that she helps prevent as many children as she can from doing the same thing.

Her unflappable partner in the journey that ended at Ludlow Brewery is her 10 year old mare, called Ug.

"I have been interviewed by 33 radio stations and many newspapers too," said Grace whose aim was also to raise awareness of PAPYRUS and help them even more.

Ged Flynn, chief executive of the national charity PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide, said: “We would like to say a big thank you to Grace and all those who supported her fundraising event which will help us to continue giving hope to young people who are struggling with life.

"Suicide is the biggest killer of young people under the age of 35 in the UK."

He added: “Generous donations help to pay for potentially life-saving calls, texts and emails to our confidential HOPELINEUK service, which offers support and advice to young people and anyone who is worried about a young person who may be having thoughts of suicide.

“Funding also helps PAPYRUS to engage with local communities and volunteers in suicide prevention projects and supports the training we deliver to individuals and groups, equipping people with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.

“We believe that many young suicides are preventable and together we can all help to keep our communities suicide-safe.”

For practical, confidential suicide prevention help and advice people should contact PAPYRUS HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141, text 07860 039967 or email

Grace's fundraising page is

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