Shropshire Star

Residents demand that decision on Shrewsbury homeless housing plan is put back to get more answers

With a decision due within days on a controversial plan to turn a former Shrewsbury residential home into supported housing for homeless people, campaigners have lodged their formal objection.

Coton Hill House in Shrewsbury

The 130 or so residents of the Coton Hill community don't think enough has been done to prepare a management plan for the scheme at Coton Hill House in Berwick Road.

They also say they have evidence that the scale of antisocial behaviour in that part of the town has been vastly underestimated. There is distrust of what Shropshire Council has proposed in its plan to create flats for 25 people.

Project Overview and Response to Coton House proposal (PORCH), says in its latest submission to Shropshire Council that a revised management plan has "been improved" but more work is needed on it.

"There are still some inherent questions the PORCH community would seek to address, and it has been too short a time for the revisions to be examined in great detail.