Shropshire Star

Extinction Rebellion activists' Change is Now bus visits Shrewsbury

A nationwide bus tour to raise awareness of climate and ecological crisis arrived in Shrewsbury at the weekend.

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The Extinction Rebellion day in Shrewsbury

The Shropshire Extinction Rebellion group welcomed the Change is Now Bus Tour to the town's Quarry park.

As part of the day local Extinction Rebellion supporters sprang into action, organising outreach sessions and activities for children.

Natasha Guryeva, spokesperson for the group, said it also provided a way to interest people in the movement to demand action and to join with thousands of others taking action in spring 2023.

“We can now see clearly how the cost of living crisis is a direct result of the climate and ecological crises. This summer the UK suffered temperatures up to 40 degrees, followed by flooding and sewage in our river and our beaches, with a predicted crop failure of up to 50 per cent.

"Oil and gas companies continue to rake in billions of pounds in profits. As ordinary people, we must do something before it’s too late.

“Shropshire is frequently suffering from bad flooding which will only get worse with the climate change and the council’s persistence to build on flood plains.

"The state of the River Severn is in decline due to the activities of industrial farming and the failure of Severn Trent to treat sewage which really adds insult to injury when it comes to flooding.”

She said that recent polling by Ipsos found that eight in 10 people in the UK are concerned about the climate crisis and over 52 per cent think the Government’s plan to get net zero by 2050 is too late.

The Change is Now Bus Tour is a nationwide tour raising awareness about the climate and ecological crisis, and how it connects to the cost of living crisis. Shrewsbury is one of over 60 towns and cities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland that Extinction Rebellion members have visited in the past month.