Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury gallery goes green with tree planting pledge

A Shrewsbury art gallery is ‘going green’ by pledging to plant hundreds of trees.

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Jonathan Soden, proprietor of the Soden Collection

The Soden Collection, on Wyle Cop, which specialises in contemporary art and sculpture from leading names as well as local artists, has joined forces with an international organisation called One Tree Planted.

Gallery owner Jonathan Soden explained why he had linked up with the not- for-profit group, which allows businesses and individuals to plant trees around the world.

“During the last 18 months I personally have gone back to basics and my garden has been a large part of my life – I have really enjoyed watching things grow and adding new trees and plants.

“It got me thinking about how to do this on a larger scale and looking at ways of reducing the carbon footprint of my business.

“Working with One Tree Planted, I am pledging to donate one tree for every piece of art sold at the gallery.

“To kick this initiative off, I have made a donation which will fund well over 100 trees and hope there will be many more ‘Soden’ trees around the world in future years.

“I am so excited about this as I think it’s important for small businesses like mine to think about what they can do to help the environment – not just locally but on a world scene. A little can go a long way.”

Louis Lagoutte of One Tree Planted said: “We are delighted to partner with the Soden Collection to create a strong positive impact for each piece of art that is traded.

“These trees will help restore vital habitat, capture carbon and repair unique ecosystems.”