Shropshire Star

Is this the tallest Christmas tree in Shropshire?

Is this the tallest Christmas tree on public display in Shropshire? Possibly even the Midlands?

Salop Leisure believe they have the tallest Christmas tree in Shrewsbury

The 50ft tree covered in sparkling lights is standing tall at the Salop Leisure headquarters in Emstrey.

Company chairman Tony Bywater believes it could in fact be the tallest in the region.

“We like to spread the festive cheer and it would be interesting to know if we have the tallest Christmas tree on public display in Shrewsbury this year,” Mr Bywater said.

“It’s important to the company that we make the festive season magical for our customers, especially those with young families.”

The tree was specially ordered from the Mid Wales forests and is particularly eye-catching when lit with decorations at night alongside Emstrey roundabout on Shrewsbury bypass.

The tallest decorated tree in the UK last year was billed as a 110ft tall redwood at Wakehurst Place, near Ardingly, Sussex.

However, both pale in comparison to a 221ft Douglas fir which was on display at a shopping centre in Washington, USA, in 1950.