Shropshire Star

Mayor and deputy mayor chosen for Oswestry

Oswestry Town Council has chosen its mayor and mayor elect for the coming year.

Duncan Kerr

At the recent full council meeting, councillors voted in favour of the deputy mayor, Councillor Duncan Kerr, to become mayor in May.

He will replace the current mayor, Councillor John Price.

Last year there was controversy when the election for mayor elect became political with the Conservative party putting up an alternative to Councillor Kerr as the mayor elect - next in seniority to succeed Councillor Price.

Councillor Kerr is leader of the Green Party on the council.

This year the council unanimously voted for Councillor Kerr to step up to become mayor while they chose Councillor Mark Jones to become mayor elect.

Town clerk, Arren Roberts, pointed out that Councillor Chris Schofield was officially next in seniority to become mayor elect.

However Councillor Schofield deferred to Councillor Jones.

"I have been the mayor and I believe in giving everyone the chance to do the role," said Councillor Schofield.