Shropshire Star

Bridgnorth brainbox barman Ben makes it to Mastermind final

A Shropshire bar manager has made it to the final of TV's most intellectually coveted quiz show.

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Ben during the semi-finals of Mastermind that wa broadcast on Monday

Ben Spicer, who works at the Bassa Villa in Bridgnorth, appeared on the semi-final of Mastermind on Monday night.

The former Bridgnorth Endowed pupil and ex-pizza delivery driver, had dressed up as a Peaky Blinder for his specialist subject during the heats and wore a guitar shirt for the semi-finals as he answered questions on his specialist subject of Coldplay.

The 26-year-old scored 13 after being quizzed on the band by host Clive Myrie.

By the time he took on the general knowledge round, Ben needed at least 21 points to secure his place in the final of the long-running BBC show and managed to score 23 points.

After the show he said: "It feels absolutely sensational to have just won my semi-final of Mastermind and be in the grand final of Mastermind.

"I've had a lot of support from my boss, pub regulars and staff. When they see me in the final they are gong to be so excited. They are my little fan club and I really appreciate it."

While the final was recorded in November, Ben says he has been asked by the BBC to remain tight-lipped as to how he fares.

The final will be broadcast on BBC2 at 8pm on Monday, April 24.

Nick Bevon, who runs the Bassa Villa in Cartway, said everybody at the pub was "incredibly proud" of their barman and are holding a special night on Monday for everybody to come and watch the local brainbox take on the other Mastermind finalists.

"We're incredibly proud of him. We will all be there on Monday watching the final and anybody that wants to come along and cheer Ben on is very welcome.

"It was recorded in November but he refuses to let us know if he won or not. We'll just have to wait until next week to find out."

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