Shropshire Star

Annual duck race fund raiser returning for tenth year

An annual duck race held in memory of a four-year-old boy will be taking place later this year.

Last updated
Harry Jones.

The annual 'Harry’s Duck Race', held in support of Hope House Children’s Hospices, will be marking its 10th anniversary.

The first was held back in 2010 in memory of four-year-old Wrexham boy, Harry Jones, who died in his sleep in 2004 due to an undetected and undiagnosed heart condition, cardiac arrhythmia.

Julia Jones, Harry’s mum, has been organising fundraising events for Hope House every year since her son's tragic and unexpected death.

Firstly, she set up an annual Teddy Bear Walk, which then became a duck race in 2010 and has been held every year every year since, raising some £20,000 over the last decade.

“No one expects to lose a child. Harry just went to sleep one day and never woke up; as a family we were left devastated. He was a four-year-old boy who was full of energy and life,” said Julia.

“Harry was a real character, full of mischief and much older in his ways than his four years. In fact, that’s perhaps what I miss the most – his fun-loving personality. He was always up to something.”

Julia and Harry’s dad Jeff could not stand the thought of Harry lying in a hospital mortuary and were grateful Hope House Hospice allowed him to rest in their special Snowflake Room.

“Thanks to the Snowflake Room, a room specially designed so parents can be with their deceased children before the funeral, we were able to sit with Harry and say our goodbyes in a warm loving environment, it meant a great deal,” said Julia.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, for its tenth year, on September 27 there will be four virtual duck races held in mystery locations in Oswestry, Flintshire, Anglesey and Nantwich. While Julia, Jeff and Harry’s brothers Charlie and Sam, will themselves be hosting a virtual Hot Tub Duck Extravaganza at their home in Wrexham.

“We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us over the last 10 years and had made the duck race what it is,” said Julia. “It’s amazing how much it has grown over the years, it doesn’t feel that long ago that we started the duck race following the teddy bear walks we held before. Of course, this 10th event will be slightly different due to Covid-19, but Hope House need our support more than ever, so please support us and take part if you can.”

Hope House Children’s Hospices head of fundraising Alison Marsh said the amount of money raised by Julia and Jeff over the last decade has been remarkable and that everyone at the hospice is grateful for their continued support.

“Over the last 10 years the support from Julia, Jeff and the boys has been invaluable,” she said. “Every week, three local families face their biggest fear and their child dies. Hope House Children’s Hospices cannot stop children dying but we can stop families suffering on their own.

“We need to raise in excess of £6m a year to support all the children and families we help from across North Wales, Shropshire and parts of Cheshire. That’s why it’s so important that we are supported by events such as Harry’s Duck Race, even during these difficult times.”

The ducks can be bought for £1 each and people can buy as many as they like.

For the Hot Tub Extravaganza the ducks can be purchased at People are asked to name their ducks in the message tab on Just Giving page.

For the other races people can visit

People can also donate £20 and will receive their very own big duck in need of a lockdown makeover, with prizes for overall best-dressed duck, best celebrity duck, best politician duck, best sporting duck and best effort.

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