Shropshire Star

Much Wenlock girl, 9, pens poem to pay tribute to NHS and raise money for good cause

A nine-year-old girl from Much Wenlock has paid her own tribute to the NHS and key workers – in a poem.

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Bella Smitheman

Bella Smitheman penned the poem about life in lock down, questions raised by the coronavirus outbreak and hopes for the future.

The youngster's father Patrick has posted the poem on Facebook, where the family are raising money for No Kid Hungry – a campaign working to solve problems of hunger and poverty around the world.

Bella chose the cause after seeing and hearing how some children around the world are starving.

She is encouraging people to donate by visiting her father's Facebook page, where the poem also appears.

Patrick, who is the managing director of Harwood estate agents in Broseley, is also hoping the poem might reach Boris Johnson.

He said: “I am trying to get it to No. 10 through local politicians because Bella is raising money for a great charity.

“Harwood will add to the funds when she finishes her own fundraising.

“I love the poem which her teacher really likes and suggested we share it.

“Bless her, she is a lovely girl who really cares.

“The real heroes of course are the NHS and key workers.”

To donate search for Patrick Smitheman on Facebook.

Read Bella's poem:

The Coronavirus Situation

A street that’s empty.

A house that’s gloomy.

A girl who is sad.

A country that is fighting a battle.

A Government that’s trying to save the world.

A place that’s lost.

A boat that’s sunk.

A virus that’s spreading.

But we are determined.

We change our lifestyles to protect the vulnerable.

Is it a kiss of death?

Is it bat?

How’s it spreading?

So many questions to be answered?

Who will be our hero?

Boris Johnson? Rishi Sunak?

What will save us? Isolation!

How will they save us?

But we will come back stronger,

Like a broken bone.

Joy and love will be spread,

Not a virus!

We will see loved ones,

And once again pupils will attend school.

A busy street.

An excited household.

A happy girl.

A normal country,

That will be back in business.

And if my job in this tragic situation is to stay at home and to keep healthy,

Then I don’t have the tragic side of the story on my hands.

I see my daddy more.

I play with my sister.

I walk my dog.

I ride bikes with my mum!

I am just a helper.

The real heroes are the NHS and key workers.

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