Shropshire Star

GPs ask patients to call and cancel if necessary after FIVE appointments go to waste in one morning

A county medical practice is pleading for patients who don't need or can't make their appointments to cancel them, after five missed slots in one morning wasted more than an hour of clinicians' time.


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Bishop's Castle Medical Practice had issued a plea on social media after five appointments were missed in one morning - all before 9.30am.

A post on Facebook from the practice's account on Thursday said: "Please can we ask if you can no longer attend your appointment or if you no longer require it, that you let the surgery know? Even if it’s a same day or even same hour call.

"We are very short of appointments at the moment and this isn’t helped by appointments that are booked but then not attended.

"By 9.30am this morning, we had already had five appointments not turned up for. This is over an hour of clinical time that could have been offered to other patients that needed seeing.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

The practice was approached by the Shropshire Star and declined to comment.