Shropshire Star

Family's hurt at 'diabolical' treatment of young man who died after failings at mental health hospital

A family have spoken of their sadness at the 'hurtful' and 'diabolical' treatment for a young man who died after failings at a mental health hospital.

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Jack Doran.

Jack Doran, 28, from Shrewsbury, took his own life after being allowed to walk out of the Redwoods Centre in Shrewsbury without any checks.

Shropshire's deputy coroner, Heath Westerman, recorded a conclusion of suicide at Jack's inquest, but also identified a catalogue of failings in the care provided at the Redwoods centre in 2022.

He did though say he was satisfied that the hospital now has procedures in place to prevent a repeat of the tragedy, with 18 recommendations implemented since Jack's death.

Speaking after the conclusion of the inquest Jack's mum, Jane Bright, his sister, Charley Doran, and his brother Jay Bright-Smith, said the 28-year-old had been let down by those who were supposed to look after him.

All three described Jack as a "lovable rogue" with a great sense of humour, adding that he had battled with his mental health for a number of years.

Jack, a former Belvedere School pupil, had been a boxer, played football for Shrewsbury Up and Comers Eagles as a young man, and doted on his nephew.

He had been a groundworker, with his mum describing him as "Jack the lad", adding that he was a 'rambunctious' and loving young man.

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