Shropshire Star

Mum urges people to sign up for 10k to support 'incredible' charity that provides 'lifeline' for her and son Axel

A mum whose son is cared for at Hope House Children’s Hospice is encouraging people to pull on their trainers and raise money by taking on the Welshpool 10K.

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Axel and Rhiannon

Rhiannon Jones, 33, ran the 10K last year as part of a series that included the Oswestry 10K and Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon, to raise money for the hospices where her son Axel receives care.

Now she is encouraging other people to take on the run, which is organised by the charity’s partner Adrenaline Sporting Events, on Sunday, March 24, to help raise money.

Two-year-old Axel was born with holes in his heart and needed multiple surgeries just weeks after being born.

He first started attending the Sunshine Baby Group, Hope House’s parent and infant group with Rhiannon, but now also receives respite care at the hospices.

“Hope House is incredible. It is our lifeline,” said Rhiannon, who lives in Montgomery.

“The difference people make when they raise money for families like ours is huge, that is why I wanted to give something back by running the races last year.

“The Welshpool 10K is a really fun race that goes right through the town, so if you’re looking to get out there and do a run while also making a difference then please sign up to run for Hope House Children’s Hospices.”

Bekki Fardoe, fundraiser with the charity said: “We have a limited number of free places on the Welshpool 10K so make sure you sign up to avoid disappointment.

“When you sign up to run to raise money for Hope House you will be making a massive difference, and in return, you will also receive a special running T-shirt to wear on the day. All we ask is that you pledge to raise a minimum of £100.”

People can sign up for a free place in the Welshpool 10K at