Shropshire Star

Self-confessed 'middle aged, mad' woman hosting Shropshire events to help those with menopause

A woman who has described herself as "middle aged and mad" is set host a series of morning and evening events in Shropshire.

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Sarah Stenton runs a group called Middles Ages Madness, which is for those starting the menopause. She is hosting a coffee morning at Ori Wellness in Bridgnorth. In photo, Kerry Fletcher from Ori Wellness and Sarah

Sarah Stenton from Broseley started Facebook group Middle Age Madness when she began to experience the first symptoms of menopause five years ago.

Since then, the 52-year-old has accumulated nearly 50,000 Facebook followers from all around the UK, and is now hosting a series of coffee mornings and evening events in Shropshire.

She said: "When I started the Facebook group, there weren't celebrities like Davina McCall openly talking about it, it was awful. I absolutely thought I was cracking up."

She said she began to experience "memory fog" and had "every imaginable symptom" but was unaware that her symptoms were perimenopause - the early stages of menopause.

"I'd never heard of permimenopause and it wasn't something women could openly talk about back then. Marriages have failed because of it, people have been left suicidal."

She said her Facebook followers range from 30 to 50 and it has provided a place for people to discuss menopause online.

"That is the misconception that it starts and you get over it, but some of the symptoms can last. Menopause is different for each woman, and it can affect families - there were times when I hated my husband."

Sarah Stenton runs a group called Middles Ages Madness

The mother of two said she is now starting live meetings in Shropshire to offer women a place to discuss menopause, find support and hear about other people's experiences.

"I am not Davina McCall but it is a place where women come and have a laugh - as laughter is the best medicine," said Sarah. "And it is somewhere women can come and grow the confidence to reach out for support.

"We are holding an evening event in Much Wenlock on February 1 and that has sold out, but we are also holding a coffee morning in Bridgnorth on February 9.

"I am not medically qualified in any size, shape or form but one thing I have learnt from running Middle Age Madness for five years is that it is so important to talk."

The "Unleashed and Hormonal" Bridgnorth coffee morning is at the Ori Wellness centre, 8 Waterloo Terrace from 11am.

The price is £20 per person including private use of the room, refreshments and cake. Places are limited to 15.

Those who are interested should visit