Shropshire Star

Hospital trust celebrates research and innovation - with 177 studies in just 12 months

More than 600 patients have taken part in 177 research studies in the last 12 months at the trust which runs the county’s two acute hospitals.

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Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust has been celebrating Research, Innovation and Improvement Week

The number is being celebrated as part of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust’s (SaTH) first Research, Innovation and Improvement Week, which has run from Monday to tomorrow.

One of the research studies – TOP HAT – is investigating whether an inexpensive drug called Ondansetron can reduce delusions and hallucinations in patients with Parkinson’s.

Results have not yet been analysed, but if the repurposing of the drug is effective it would bring huge benefits for the patients and their loved ones.

The trust also took part in the FAST-Forward research trial, which tested whether five doses of radiotherapy treatment delivered over a one-week period worked as well as the standard three-week treatment in preventing breast cancer returning.

Results showed that the five doses over one week worked just as well, and this is now the new standard of care for many breast cancer patients. It said that the treatment is reducing hospital visits.

Aside from the work going on in research, the trust has also trained more than 400 staff to test changes and make structured improvements.

One example is the acute medical floor at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

Since it opened its doors in December, more than 4,500 patients have been treated there.

Patients can receive a diagnosis, observation, consultation, treatment and rehabilitation services on the floor, reducing hospital admissions.

The staff came up with the idea and have been closely involved in its design.

Dr John Jones, Executive Medical Director, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate our commitment to research, innovation and improvement, and the difference this makes to our patients who are at the heart of what we do.

“Research and innovation help us to determine the best treatments and play a vital part in the care we deliver.

“We are always looking for opportunities to improve, whether it is our exciting digital robot transforming surgical care, reducing screening waiting times through working differently, or trialling new processes to reduce waste. “Embracing new ways of working can make a real difference to the care we provide.”

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