'Telford's needs have been ignored': MP Lucy Allan claims Welsh 'had the ear' of Future Fit decision makers
Representatives of Wales 'had the ear' of Future Fit decision makers more than Telford and Wrekin's two MPs, Lucy Allan has claimed.

Ms Allan, who represents Telford in Parliament, said she would be asking questions about why Telford's A&E needs 'have been ignored'.
Her comments come after it was confirmed that Shrewsbury will house Shropshire's only main A&E. Telford's A&E will become an 'A&E Local', although it is not yet clear what that will entail.
In a video on her Twitter account, Ms Allan said there was no doubt that Welsh representatives had a bigger influence than Telford MPs.
"The role of the Welsh lobby in securing a Future Fit outcome that benefits Wales is something that intrigues me," she said.
"The Secretary of State for Wales praised Matt Hancock and the decision to locate emergency service close to Wales and we've also seen Welsh Assembly Members come out and say this is great news for Wales.
"There is no doubt that throughout the process they had the ear of the decision makers in a way that Telford and Telford's MPs did not. Influence, lobbying, of course is part of our job, but my question is why is it that Wales has been given so much weight in terms of the arguments that Welsh representatives have put forward?
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"I'm going to be asking questions about that. We have the opportunity in Parliament to ask about Welsh issues and to me this is quite significant. Telford's needs are clearly greater. Telford's needs have been ignored.
"The emphasis has always been throughout the process on the needs of Wales. This is going to be some work for me in coming weeks."