Shropshire Star

Four county MPs backing Shropshire Star campaign to support local food banks

County politicians have thrown their weight behind the Shropshire Star's call to support local foodbanks.

Last updated
MPs have urged those who are able to offer support to local food banks

Four of Shropshire's MPs have spoken of the importance of looking to support those struggling to put food on the table, amid the biggest crisis in the cost of living in more than 40 years.

The Wrekin's Conservative MP Mark Pritchard said: "I am more than happy to endorse the Star's new campaign. With sharp rises in both food and energy prices, more people are struggling to pay for basic living costs.

"I am glad the government appears ready to step in and offer more help very soon. It appears the cost of everything is rising sharply, mostly driven by global inflationary pressures, so all help offered to those who are struggling is very welcome."

Helen Morgan, North Shropshire's Liberal Democrat MP, said: "I am absolutely in favour of the campaign and fully support the efforts of hard working people across Shropshire reaching out to help members of their community when they are most in need.

"It is unfortunate that this Government has created a situation where so many rely on food banks to get by, it is clear something must be done to change it."

Philip Dunne, Conservative MP for Ludlow, said people who could afford to help would be doing a "great service" to their community.

He said: "I visited Bishop's Castle food bank last week to learn for myself the current demand from local people in need.

"At present there are good supplies of food to meet local needs, but as this gets tighter this autumn, those who can afford to contribute to help others who need to use a food bank would be doing a great service to their local community."

Shrewsbury & Atcham's Tory MP, Daniel Kawczynski said: "The current winter is likely to be challenging for many families.

"I support efforts to help families meet this challenge, including taking measures to address the increasing cost of energy.

"It will take a concerted effort across our community to try and make sure that all families in Shropshire are warm and have sufficient to eat this winter."