Shropshire Star

Praise for rural forum event held in South Shropshire

A sell-out event focusing on rural issues has won praise.

Last updated
The event was well attended

Lizzie Hacking, chairman of the Conservative Rural Forum, hosted a sell-out event at Clun Memorial Hal, with more than 100 people attending to pose their questions to a panel.

Minister for Food, Farming and Fisheries, the Mark Spencer MP was on the panel along with the Tories' prospective parliamentary candidate for South Shropshire Stuart Anderson and Craig Williams MP, the Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire.

Country Land and Business Association Midlands regional director Sophie Dwerryhouse, who attended the event, said: “It was a great event, giving members of the local rural communities the opportunity to put their questions and comments across to MP’s and have their voices heard, as well as get answers to some pressing questions.”

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