Shropshire Star

Can you do it? Council launches plastic free challenge

To mark the start of 'Plastic Free July' a council is inviting residents to take up a four-week challenge aimed at cutting their plastic consumption.

A council is encouraging residents to use less plastic

Throughout the month Telford & Wrekin Council will be offering tips on ways residents can reduce their use of single-use plastics and encouraging local community groups and businesses to sign up to a plastic free pledge.

Single-use plastics refers to any disposable plastic item designed to be used only once, such as plastic bags, drinks bottles, food packaging and cosmetic containers.

Each year, 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced worldwide and 40 per cent of that is used only once before it is binned.

The launch of the council’s campaign ties in with the global campaign highlighting the environmental harm caused by plastic pollution.

According to the Plastic Free Foundation, over the past five years 1.4 billion kilos of plastic has been avoided by people joining in Plastic Free July around the world.

Louise Stanway, a spokeswoman for Telford & Wrekin Council said: "As a council we want to set an example when it comes to reducing plastic pollution. We are working hard to remove as many single-use plastics from our day-to-day operations and activities as we can, replacing them with sustainable alternatives.

“We are also part of the Telford and Wrekin Plastic Free Taskforce, bringing together local partners to support the borough’s journey to achieve plastic free community status.

“It’s not about removing all plastics from our lives it’s about avoiding single-use plastics and this is something everyone can play a part in.

“Reducing plastic usage is something we encourage all residents, businesses and community groups to do, to help make our streets cleaner, protect our local wildlife and stop the devastating impact on our oceans.

“We’ve set up a month-long series of emails with easy swap advice to help you find alternatives to single-use plastic at home and at work which can become new habits. Even small changes can make a big difference and you can start straight away.”

People can sign up to make the pledge here.