Shropshire Star

Shropshire Farming Talk: How businesses can help in sustainability project

Shropshire’s businesses are doing wonderful things – and helping to drive forward our county’s economy.

Last updated
Rebecca Greenhalgh

A new project is aiming to not only help our county’s agri-tech and food and drink business keep up this good work throughout 2024 – but to refine it, boosting their sustainability in the process.

The Sustaining Shropshire project is a partnership between Harper Adams University and the Agri-EPI Centre which is funded by the UKSPF and offers businesses the support and guidance from experts who have been helping businesses make the most of what they have to offer for decades.

Operating across the Shropshire Council area, the project will work with businesses to boost their environmental impact while growing their business at the same time.

Participating businesses will work with the Sustaining Shropshire team – led by Dr Eric Siqueiros from Harper Adams and supported by three Innovation Specialists, Dr Jane Yardley, Ian Rickuss and Tanya Postles.

Jane, Ian and Tanya are all experts in their field – and each have already helped dozens of businesses innovate and expand with their work in Sustaining Shropshire’s predecessor, the AGRI project.

They’ve worked with more than150 businesses across the West Midlands and Shropshire, from worm farmers to curry spice blenders. They’ve helped them analyse the strengths of their businesses, to trial new processes and machinery which could help boost their business – and identified ways in which they can scale up their enterprise.

Now, with a focus solely within one county, the Sustaining Shropshire project will take this good work – and that of our county’s businesses – to the next level.

We’re already causing quite a splash – and more than 50 businesses came along to our launch a few weeks before Christmas.

As businesses start looking ahead in the New Year, setting goals, and plotting their development, we’ll be there to help.

Throughout 2024, Sustaining Shropshire will be at the heart of events being run at the Agri-EPI centre, which are designed to show participants how to place sustainable growth at the heart of their business planning.

The Centre is also offering tailored 1:1 business support in their innovation barn.

So if you are looking to take that next step and develop your business this year, Sustaining Shropshire is here to help. As Business Development manager, my role will be to link you up to the help you need – so if you’re an agri-tech or food and drink entrepreneur based in Shropshire, give me a call for more information about how we can help your business on 01952 815173.

Rebecca Greenhalgh is Business Development Manager for the new Sustaining Shropshire project.

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