Shropshire Star

Plans put forward to build new industrial units in Shropshire and 'create additional jobs'

Plans have been put forward to build up to six industrial units on vacant land in Shropshire.


Under the plans, for land located off Station House, Clee Hill Road, Burford, Tenbury Wells, units would be created for 'light industrial (Class B1 and B2) and storage and distribution uses (Class B8) with associated access and parking' .

Whitebox Architecture + Design have prepared a Design and Access Statement in support of a planning application, from Fineranch Property Group, for the development and say the plan would 'support economic growth and create additional jobs within the local area'.

The statement adds: "The site was previously occupied by the Wells Soft Drinks company who used the site as a production facility.

"Planning permission for the erection of industrial units was originally secured in 2003. The permission was subsequently renewed in 2008."

The application site forms part of the Upper Teme Business Park and is accessed from Clee Hill Road located along the southern boundary.

"At the centre of the site was a two-storey office building (Station House), which has now been demolished to facilitate new development," a statement says.

"The proposal would maximise the potential of a vacant site (0.86 ha) to create modern light industrial units with B1 and B2 (Class E) and B8 uses (storage and distribution) across six buildings.

"A range of unit sizes have been provided to deliver flexible spaces that can adapt to market requirements and the needs of future tenants.

"Scale plays an important part in integrating the proposal into the local area, ensuring that the scale of other buildings in the vicinity is maintained and the proposed development is not overbearing on the street scene or setting.

"The existing buildings on the surrounding industrial estates are a mix of single and two-storey units. The proposed buildings have been designed with an internal clear height of 6m to underside of haunch, offering flexibility to future tenants who require additional space through the introduction of mezzanine floors."

For full details, visit the Shropshire Council planning portal and search for 23/02031/FUL

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