Shropshire Star

Telford business energy events organised by council

Telford & Wrekin Council is offering a double-header of events to support businesses through the energy crisis.

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Telford & Wrekin Council has urged businesses concerned about energy costs to attend the events

The council’s business support and inward investment team, Enterprise Telford, is hosting a webinar and a showcase seminar to help local firms amid huge rises in the cost of energy.

From 11.30am to 12.45pm on Friday businesses of all sizes and across different sectors can join a webinar called 'Energy: Navigating the Market and Delivering Resilience'.

The online session will be delivered by Make UK – the Manufacturer’s Organisation, and will provide expert insight into how to deal with the current energy market and identify renewable energy options, including funding support which is available.

Telford business Lyreco UK will also share its experience and offer advice on how to achieve long- term resilience and sustainability.

The council and Shropshire Chamber of Commerce are also joining forces to host a second business showcase event from 9am to 11am on Wednesday, February 8, at AFC Telford United.

The session, called ‘Energy Efficiency and Resilience’, will help delegates learn more about the range of support which is available to help businesses reduce business energy costs and become more resilient during the current energy and cost of living crisis.

It will bring together partners and organisations that offer advice and guidance on ways to reduce energy costs and move closer to net zero, invest in the future for growth and build resilience through planning and support.

Councillor Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet member for neighbourhood services, regeneration and the high street, said: “The energy market has seen dramatic changes over the past twelve months and managing energy has been very difficult for businesses across the UK.

“As well as continuing to support businesses with a range of grants through our Pride in Our High Street programme, the expertise that our Enterprise Telford team can offer businesses during these challenging times can be invaluable.

“Both of these events can benefit businesses and help them to implement more energy efficient measures which can save them money in the short and long term. We would strongly advise local businesses to sign up for both events.”

Anyone who wishes to register for the Zoom event can do so by visiting

To register for the live event at AFC Telford visit