Shropshire Star

Shropshire Chamber welcomes another new patron

Law firm PCB Solicitors is the latest professional services company to become a patron of Shropshire Chamber of Commerce.

Rachel Owen, Shropshire Chamber’s director of member engagement

The company provides wide access to legal services across Shropshire and the border towns with offices in Telford, Shrewsbury, Church Stretton, Ludlow, Knighton, Welshpool and Bishop’s Castle.

Shropshire Chamber of Commerce’s patron programme exists to give a select group of dynamic businesses in the county various opportunities to raise awareness of their organisations, and express their commitment to the success of the Shropshire business community.

PCB partner Danny Smith said: “We decided to become patrons to cement our growing relationship with the chamber and to really set our brand within Shropshire Commerce and beyond.

“The training and resources provided by the chamber is great value for money and provides an excellent opportunity for staff to network and develop.

“The patron scheme helps us to reach out to more business and individuals across our network and beyond.”

Rachel Owen, Shropshire Chamber’s director of member engagement, said: “Being a patron is a mark of excellence and integrity, and demonstrates a firm commitment to the chamber, the wider business community and the success of Shropshire’s economy as a whole.

“Patrons understand and engage with one another and aim to identify opportunities, trade with and obtain introductions for and each other wherever possible.

“The objective is to generate ideas, enthusiasm and dynamic business opportunities and to feed this back through Shropshire Chamber and onwards to the county’s businesses as a whole.

“Through their attendance as patrons at appropriate events, networking forums and business expos, they demonstrate their belief in the programme and through on-going membership they commit to maintaining the highest standards.”

More information about Shropshire Chamber’s patron programme can be found at

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