Shropshire Star

Giant of an adventure as Zig Zag book is launched in Shropshire - with video

Zig Zag the stripy spotosaurus was the star of the show when a book about his great adventures was launched in Shropshire.

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Author Barbara Townley from Church Stretton and illustrator, Cherie Jerrard from Shrewsbury, launch their book Zig Zag at Burway Books in Church Stretton.

The character in a book by author Barbara Townley has also been turned into a giant soft toy which spent the day at Burway Books in Church Stretton to the delight of children attending the event.

Two years in the making, ‘Zig Zag and the Giant Adventure' tells the story of six-year-old Emily and her stripy spotosaurus - her favourite birthday present. Together they find themselves inside a fairytale adventure meeting a sad princess and two grumpy giants.

The author said she was lucky to have as a friend illustrator Cherie Jerrard.

"She’s an incredible illustrator and I was able to capture her interest in the project just as she finished her MA in Illustration at Manchester University. She has put in hours and hours of work on the illustrations for the book," she said.

The owner of Burway Books, Ros Ephraim, said the launch of the children's book had been a great success, with excited children reading and even grown ups dressing up.