Shropshire Star

Shropshire's Maxine climbs Snowdon in her wedding dress

Hiking Snowdon would have been a challenge in itself, but these brides made it to the top decked out in wedding dresses.

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Maxine's fundraisers as they climbed Snowdon in wedding dresses

Maxine Beech, from Whitchurch, led the fundraiser which saw 34 walkers hike to the top of Snowdon in a bid to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

Maxine's fundraisers as they climbed Snowdon in wedding dresses

So far she has raised nearly £5,000 for the cause in memory of her father George Hinks, who died suddenly aged 59.

Mrs Beech, 31, of Grindley Brook, said: "The walk was harder than I'd bargained for.

"The weather was great, but really hot. It was slow going, but we had people stopping us the whole way up asking what we were doing and they were all really supportive.

"All 34 of us made it to the top, including three men in wedding dresses.

"Our fundraising total is nearing £5,000, but would could still do with a boost.

"Thankfully the brides who booked me to conduct their weddings this year haven't cancelled."

Maxine's fundraisers as they climbed Snowdon in wedding dresses

Mrs Beech, a humanist wedding celebrant, works with couples to design, write and deliver bespoke ceremonies.

Her father died on Christmas Eve, and she later learnt that her boyfriend had been planning to ask her father to propose to her the next day.

The pair got married in 2011, when she had to walk down the aisle alone at the age of 25.

The group of walkers included some of the brides she has married, or will be marrying in the future and were supported in true wedding-day style by their very own photographer Andy Wilkinson,from Inspire Wedding Photography.

Her initial fundraising target was £1,000 which has now been surpassed.

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