Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury's Welsh Bridge is looking a real picture as artist lights it up

It is one of the county's most well-known bridges as it has never been seen before.


The Welsh Bridge in Shrewsbury was flooded with colour by light artist Andy McKeown, who lit up the bridge as part of a test.

He hopes to light up all seven of the town's bridges, along with the Quantum Leap stone statue, and Mr McKeown said this was one of the first tests to see how it worked.

The 50-year-old artist, from Belle Vue, said: "This is what I do – I light up buildings and this was part of an idea which is a project to light up the bridges in Shrewsbury.

"I want to light them all at some point in the year – and all with images I took last year at the Flower Show. These photos are part of a test to see what equipment I need and what I can put on the different structures.

"It was quite difficult because of the amount of light already on the bridge with it being a road bridge."

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