Shropshire Star

Climate action hub on hand to offer friendly, practical advice... and a cuppa!

What’s going on with the weather? Hannah Peters of the Oswestry Climate Action Hub is in no doubt that our wetter summers and milder winters interspersed with droughts and floods are the result of rising global temperatures. She said: "While it’s easy to feel alarmed and a little helpless about climatic change, OsCAH is available to give all kinds of practical advice.

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Simon Greaves and Hannah Peters outside the Climate Action Hub with the house he is creating. Photo: Simon Greaves

"You can find the hub at the top of the Bailey where you’ll be able to have electrical goods repaired and clothes mended. Depending on the time of year you could pick up seeds or plants, take part in art activities or just have a cup of tea or coffee."

For the next few months, you’ll also be able to see an artwork in progress. Created by Simon Greaves, Our House is on Fire was inspired by Greta Thunberg’s speech in which she pointed out that if your house was on fire, you wouldn’t sit around talking about it or promise to take action in a few years’ time, you would do everything you could to put it out.

Simon said: "Our planet is literally on fire with wildfires currently raging in California and Canada, yet governments across the world are still doing very little to stop burning fossil fuels!"

To reflect this, Simon’s house is designed to represent the Earth, with each floor a different aspect of its ecosystem – our marine and aquatic environments, its wildlife and vegetation, the polar regions and mountains as well as human culture. "When the work is finished," Simon announced, "it will be set on fire."

He needs help with the project and said, "If you’d like to get creative or simply want to take a look at the house as it progresses, just drop into the Climate Action Hub. You will always find a friendly welcome and could get a cup of tea or coffee while you’re there!"

The Oswestry Climate Action Hub is open between 10am-2pm on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

By Simon Greaves - Contributor