Shropshire Star

Primary school shines as regional winner for green education

Welshpool Church in Wales Primary School, has proudly claimed the title of Regional Winner in the Primary Awards for Green Education in Schools (PAGES) 2024. Their project, “Best Tip Ever: Go Organic!” was judged the best entry from schools across Wales and Western England in the "Green Entrepreneurs" category.

At the market, getting ready to sell potatoes on their stall! Photo: Welshpool Church in Wales Primary School

The PAGES competition, a flagship initiative by the Young People's Trust for the Environment, continues to inspire environmental education, with an impressive 35,000 children participating in this year's event. Amidst fierce competition, Welshpool Church in Wales Primary School's young eco-champions have demonstrated that youth has the power to make a positive impact on our planet's future.

The project outlined the children’s journey from planting potatoes to harvesting them and selling them at a market stall in the local community. Importantly, they grew their potatoes organically and encouraged their customers to do the same.

In recognition of their achievements, Welshpool Church in Wales Primary School will receive £500 to be put towards their school funds, empowering them to further their green initiatives and inspire future generations of environmentalists.

YPTE's Director, Peter Littlewood, commended the children's enthusiasm, stating: “It was great to hear that the children had been discussing the importance of organic foods with their customers. They could speak with the benefit of experience, which was really significant.”

The success of Welshpool Church in Wales Primary School in the PAGES 2024 competition highlights the significant impact of environmental education. Their innovative project has earned them well-deserved regional recognition and positioned them as an inspiring example for schools across the country.

PAGES has been supported by donations from R&Co4Generations, Rothschild & Co’s philanthropic foundation, for the last three years. R&Co4Generations collaborates with social and environmental purpose organisations that are aligned with the foundation’s core aim of empowering future generations and protecting our world. YPTE is extremely grateful to R&Co4Generations for its support.

By Peter Littlewood - Contributor