Shropshire Star

Harry Maguire arrested on Greek island after alleged incident with police

United were knocked out of the Europa League last Sunday.

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Manchester United captain Harry Maguire is part of a group of three men arrested over an alleged altercation with police on the Greek island of Mykonos.

The 27-year-old, the world’s most expensive defender following his £80million move last summer, could have been captaining United in the Europa League final on Friday night but instead was on holiday in Greece after United’s elimination last weekend.

The Hellenic Police allege one of their officers was hit as he tried to break up a disturbance on Mykonos and that the three men later resisted arrest by “pushing and beating three officers”.

A statement from the Hellenic Police’s South Aegean region press office said: “Three foreigners, aged 27, 28 and 29, were arrested today (August 21, 2020) in Mykonos by police officers of the Mykonos police department.

“Patrolling police officers in the area of ​​Mykonos intervened and normalised a dispute between citizens, however, three foreigners involved in the incident turned against them, insulting and hitting a police officer with fists.

“The three foreigners were taken to the Mykonos Police Station, where upon their arrival they strongly resisted, pushing and beating three police officers.

“One of the detainees then tried to offer money so that the trial against them would not be completed. The arrested (men) were taken to the Syros Prosecutor’s Office.”

Harry Maguire, with the blue cap, being escorted by plain clothed police officers at the police station on the Aegean island of Syros, Greece
Harry Maguire, with the blue cap, being escorted by plain clothed police officers at the police station on the Aegean island of Syros, Greece (Giorgos Solaris/AP)

United released a statement earlier on Friday which read: “The club are aware of an alleged incident involving Harry Maguire in Mykonos last night.

“Contact has been made with Harry, and he is fully co-operating with the Greek authorities.

“At this time we will be making no further comment.”

Maguire’s representatives have been contacted for a response.

In his first season at Old Trafford, the England international was an ever-present in the Premier League and scored one goal.

He captained the side in last Sunday’s 2-1 defeat to Sevilla in the Europa League semi-finals.

The player was one of the Premier League captains who drew praise for his involvement in the #PlayersTogether initiative, which helped raise funds for the NHS during the coronavirus pandemic.

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