Shropshire Star

Man arrested in Germany over killing of Bulgarian journalist

Viktoria Marinova was found dead in the northern Bulgarian town of Ruse on Saturday.

Viktoria Marinova

A man has been arrested in Germany on suspicion of the rape and killing of a Bulgarian investigative journalist Viktoria Marinova, officials said.

Bulgaria’s prosecutor general confirmed the arrest of Severin Krasimirov, a Bulgarian citizen, but gave no further details.

Interior minister Mladen Marinov said investigators had found DNA evidence on the clothes and body of Ms Marinova, who was raped and killed on Saturday in the northern town of Ruse.

A vigil for Ms Marinova
A vigil is held for the murdered TV reporter (AP)

Mr Marinov said: “There is physical evidence to link to the murder.”

He said Krasimirov, a resident of Ruse, had a criminal record for scrap metal theft.

The minister said investigators had spoken to Ms Marinova’s family and friends and “there is no apparent link to her work”.

Ms Marinova, 30, hosted a TV show last month featuring two investigative journalists who were detained for their work on suspected fraud involving EU funds.

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