Shropshire Star

Party gatecrashers jailed over Park Lane bouncer’s death

Tudor Simionov died after an attack at an exclusive party in Mayfair in the early hours of New Year’s Day last year.

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Tudor Simionov

Three men have been jailed over death of a bouncer who was stabbed outside an exclusive Mayfair mansion party.

Tudor Simionov, 33, was attacked when he went to the aid of colleagues working on the door of an unlicensed event on Park Lane in the early hours of New Year’s Day last year.

Gatecrashers had turned violent after being denied entry to the £2,000 a table champagne do organised by Lord Edward Davenport, jurors were told.

During the brawl, professional rower and part-time bouncer Mr Simionov was fatally stabbed in the chest and five other members of staff were injured, the Old Bailey heard.

The man alleged to have been behind the stabbing, Ossama Hamed, 26, from Hillingdon, fled the country and is wanted by Scotland Yard.

Adam Khalil, 21, from Kingsbury, north-west London, and Haroon Akram, 26, from Fulham, and pleaded guilty to Mr Simionov’s manslaughter.

Barber Nor Hamada, 24, from Wembley, was found guilty of violent disorder and in March admitted manslaughter.

On Friday, all three appeared for sentencing at the Old Bailey by video link from Belmarsh prison.

Park Lane stabbing
Madalina Anghel was due to marry Tudor Simionov in the summer of 2019 (PA)

All but one lawyer attended the hearing by telephone conference, joined by the PA news agency.

Judge Anthony Leonard QC jailed Khalil for 11 years and Hamada for seven years for manslaughter, with the latter given three years for violent disorder, to run concurrently.

Akram, who played a lesser role, was sentenced to six years and nine months in prison.

In his sentencing remarks, Judge Leonard acknowledged a victim impact statement from Mr Simionov’s fiancee Madalina Anghel, who had described him as “an amazing man who lit up any room he walked into”.

The judge accepted the killing was “spur of the moment” and was not pre-planned.

But he said it was aggravated by the fact others were injured and it involved group violence in a public place when there were a large number of members of the public present.

He added that Khalil, who played a “major role”, had been armed with a knife and was subject to a community order at the time.

The judge said he would make his sentencing remarks available to members of the victim’s family or close friends who were unable to attend court in person.

Acting Detective Chief Inspector Garry Moncrieff, from Scotland Yard, said: “The defendants in this case acted together to carry out a brutal attack which left a completely innocent man fatally wounded.

“Tudor’s girlfriend Madalina has been at court throughout these proceedings and had to re-live what happened that night time and time again. Her life will never be the same.

“For her sake and for the rest of Tudor’s family, we are determined to find Ossama Hamed, who we believe played a significant role in this attack.

“Anyone who thinks they may know his whereabouts or has any information which could help lead us to him is urged to call the incident room on 0208 358 0300.”

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