Shropshire Star

Police release pictures of pensioner’s injuries after violent robbery

Images of the unnamed 88-year-old are published as public called upon to help find culprit of ‘despicable’ crime.

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88-year-old robbery victim in Weston

Police have released shocking pictures of an 88-year-old robbery victim.

The woman, who has not been named, sustained a broken nose, a fractured wrist and severe bruising as a result of having her handbag snatched from her arm and falling to the ground.

Police released this image of the victim’s injuries (Avon and Somerset Police/PA)

The incident occurred as she walked with her husband on Colonel Stephens Way in Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, on the afternoon of January 10.

After stealing the handbag, the offender ran off down an alleyway leading to Oakford Avenue where it was later recovered, having had cash and a bank card taken from inside.

Detective Constable Matthew Stevenson, who is leading the investigation, said: “I’m sure these images will shock people who will be horrified that someone can target a vulnerable elderly woman in such a way.

The 88-year-old was assaulted while out walking with her husband (Avon and Somerset Police/PA)

“This is a despicable crime and we need the public’s help to identify the person responsible and bring them to justice.

“Did you see what happened? Did you see anyone running away from Colonel Stephens Way and discarding items around the time?

“Or did you capture anything on your dashcam as you drove through the area?

“Information, no matter how insignificant you might think it is, might prove crucial to us finding whoever is responsible.”

Avon and Somerset Police said a 30-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of robbery and has since been released under investigation.

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