Shropshire Star

Major fire at Glasgow School of Art’s Mackintosh Building

The fire broke out on Friday night.

A fire has broken out at the Glasgow School of Art (@Banpo_monkey/PA)

Firefighters are tackling a major blaze at Glasgow School of Art’s Mackintosh Building.

Images posted on social media showed flames and smoke billowing from the roof of the renowned art school on Friday night.

Fire ravaged the building in May 2014 and a multi-million pound restoration project has been returning the famous art school to its former glory.

Witness Aidan Dick said the fire and smoke grew in intensity “in the space of a few minutes”.

He tweeted: “Glasgow School of Art is on fire again. Heartbreaking. My thoughts go to all students and staff, and I hope no one was caught in the blaze.”

Glasgow School Art tweeted: “There is a fire at the Mackintosh Building. The fire brigade are currently on scene. We will report back with news updates as soon as possible.”

Shadow Scottish minister Paul Sweeney, Labour and Co-operative MP for Glasgow North East, tweeted: “Devastated that a major fire has broken out at the Glasgow School of Art tonight.

“The Mack has been undergoing restoration since the last devastating fire in 2014. @scotfire_glasgo are doing everything they can to salvage the most architecturally important building in Glasgow.”

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