Shropshire Star

May to hold talks with Scandinavian leaders on Russia and Brexit

The Prime Minister will discuss Brexit and the threat from Russia on a visit to Denmark and Sweden.

Prime Minister Theresa May is meeting the Danish PM (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

Theresa May will hold talks with her Danish and Swedish counterparts on a visit to Scandinavia today.

The Prime Minister, fresh from her Easter walking holiday in Wales, is expected to discuss Brexit as well as the threat Russia poses to international security on the one-day trip.

Mrs May will meet Danish prime minister Lars Rasmussen for talks in Copenhagen before travelling to Stockholm where she will be hosted by the Swedish premier Stefan Löfven.

A Downing Street spokesman said: “Talks are expected to cover a range of issues, including the threat Russia poses to international security; our ongoing bilateral co-operation in areas such as security and defence; trade and investment; and progress towards a Brexit deal.”

Sweden expelled one Russian diplomat and Denmark two as part of the co-ordinated international response to the March 4 poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury.

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