Shropshire Star

Trump says vile enemy’ has waged war on us for too long

United States president says the “bloodshed must end” in his first public comments about the atrocity in London.

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US president Donald Trump has described the London Bridge terror attack as “horrific” and vowed that “this bloodshed must end”.

Mr Trump’s remarks, made during a Sunday night fund-raising event at Ford’s Theatre in Washington DC, were his first public comments on the atrocity in which seven people died.

Up to now, the president had expressed his views only on Twitter.

In a series of tweets, President Trump challenged Mr Khan for saying there was “no reason to be alarmed”.

Mr Trump also repeated calls for his stalled travel ban, took on gun control supporters and pledged that the United States would be there to help London.

At the fund-raiser Mr Trump said he would do whatever was necessary to protect the United States from a “vile enemy” that had waged war on innocents for too long.

“This bloodshed must end, this bloodshed will end,” he said, with his wife Melania beside him.

Mr Trump made his comments at the conclusion of the event for Ford’s Theatre – the scene of one of the most famous acts of bloodshed in American history: the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

“America sends our thoughts and prayers and our deepest sympathies to the victims of this evil slaughter and we renew our resolve, stronger than ever before, to protect the United States and its allies from a vile enemy that has waged war on innocent life, and it’s gone on too long,” Mr Trump said.

“As president, I will do what is necessary to prevent this threat from spreading to our shores and work every single day to protect the safety and security of our country, our communities and our people.”

Across the world in Sydney, Australia, US defence secretary Jim Mattis and secretary of state Rex Tillerson pledged unity with America’s longtime ally in fighting Islamic extremists who seek to intimidate the West.

Rex Tillerson (right) and Jim Mattis
US secretary of state Rex Tillerson (right) and US secretary of defence Jim Mattis at Government House in Sydney (Mark Metcalfe/AP/PA)

“We are united, as I said, in our resolve, even against an enemy that thinks by hurting us they can scare us,” Mr Mattis said. “Well, we don’t scare.”

In their first joint appearance abroad, Mr Mattis and Mr Tillerson spoke alongside their Australian counterparts at the opening of a joint meeting expected to touch on a range of subjects including defeating the Islamic State group, stabilising Afghanistan and dealing with North Korea’s nuclear threats.

Mr Tillerson said the enduring US-Australian alliance would prevail in “this common fight we share against the most heinous of actions we’ve seen most recently in London yet again”.

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