Shropshire Star

Ukrainian mother escapes war-zone and sets up Bridgnorth photography business

A woman who escaped war-torn Odessa in Ukraine has achieved her dream of becoming a photographer after settling in a Shropshire market town.

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Elizabeth Miroshnichenko from the Ukraine, who is enjoying taking photographs around her new home of Bridgnorth

Elizabeth Miroshnichenko fled the Ukrainian city in with her family in June last year after Putin's Russian forces invaded.

After settling in Bridgnorth, the 31-year-old, says she is now "following her dream" and is setting up a photography business.

She said: "I left because of the war. But I'm not in England by chance. England was always my dream so I decided not to miss the opportunity.

"I started working in Ukraine as a photographer when my youngest daughter was a year old. I had been dreaming of becoming a photographer since the birth of my eldest son, but I needed to provide for my children."

Some of Elizabeth's phtography taken in Ukraine

She said arriving in Bridgnorth had "opened up more opportunities" for her and her children.

She said while she is currently using her living room as a studio, she has "big plans".

"I want to open a photo studio with a unique decor and a place for events. My dream in life was to become a photographer, to create in reality the worlds that I have in my head and to give the world my vision."

She said one of her specialities is "showing all women how beautiful they are through my craft. So that everyone can gain self-confidence."

Some of Elizabeth's phtography taken in Ukraine
Some of Elizabeth's phtography taken in Ukraine

She added: "I've just started working here in England. At the moment I'm in the process of signing up for shoots. I have two creative shoots in process."

For more details about "Elizabeth Photography" please visit her Facebook page or you can contact Elizabeth at: