Shropshire Star

Puzzle over Bridgnorth school chapel image

This is it, a last ditch attempt by some Bridgnorth parishioners to uncover a picture of a Victorian school-cum-chapel in the town.

Is this a rare, and possibly unique, image of St John's school-cum-chapel?

They are looking to research the history of the St John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, but there is a missing piece in the jigsaw, and a rather large one.

The church's story all started in mid-Victorian times in the form of a school, which was also used for church services. This picture may be the only image depicting the original building – and the researchers are hoping somebody can confirm it is the right place and, ideally, want to track down any other images.

Chris Magner of Bridgnorth said: "We are writing up the history of St John's Church in Bridgnorth and are hoping that someone has a picture of the old St John's school/chapel dating from 1856.

"The parish was formed in 1855. A school/chapel was opened in 1856 and was used as such till 1896 when the present church was opened. The school/chapel then became the parish school.

"Some time ago a Bridgnorth resident found the enclosed picture claiming it to be the original school/chapel. I've enclosed it as a last throw of the dice – we would like confirmation that this is indeed the original school/chapel.

"The reason for it being a 'school/chapel' is that when the Roman Catholic diocese of Shrewsbury was established in 1850 it was the policy of the diocese to build schools first, before churches, until money could be found to build a church. A school could be used to hold services on Sundays. We would welcome any pictures of the school/chapel.

"The Bridgnorth St John's school/chapel is behind the church at Northgate in Bridgnorth. It is now the Parish Hall so has never been demolished, although it has had alterations to it over time since 1856."

Anyone who can help can contact him at by email.

He added: "One of the significant events in St John's Bridgnorth history was in September 1895 when Bishop Carroll came from Birkenhead to lay the foundation stone of the present church. In doing so he made a plea for Christian unity. He said this would only come about by prayer and not through force of argument. Christian unity was very much in its infancy at that time."