Shropshire Star

Gardens to go on show in Shropshire

New gardens and old favourites will be open to the public during a series of events organised by the National Gardens Scheme.


The Tower House at Bache near Craven Arms will be opening for the first time for the scheme in Shropshire on Sunday.

Allison Walter, publicity officer for Shropshire NGS, said: "This is a delightful old garden but a new one for NGS supporters in Shropshire to enjoy.

"The garden has taken more than 40 years to mature and has lovely planting and glorious views over one of the most attractive areas in the county: the Corvedale."

The two-acre garden at the Tower House is in a rural setting with formal and informal planted areas, vegetable plot and woodland areas.

Another garden that will be open on Sunday is at Marehay Farm, which features unique pools and waterfalls. The garden is in a very remote part of the county, beneath the Stiperstones in south Shropshire at 1,100 feet above sea level.

Mrs Walter said: "This garden has been a real challenge to create since work started on it in 1990. Now the result is a fantastic one-and-a-half acre garden which is packed full of beautiful plants and water features."

Meanwhile, Goldstone Hall, near Market Drayton, will also open for the NGS on Sunday.

With double herbaceous borders packed with plants, a huge vegetable and herb garden, which supplies the hotel's kitchens, the garden is a popular place to visit on a summer's afternoon.

The gardens extend to five acres in total and visitors can enjoy wandering around and enjoy afternoon tea during their visit.

Stanley Hall, at Bridgnorth, will also open on Sunday.

Mrs Walter said: "Stanley Hall is a long-time opener for the National Gardens Scheme and visitors continue to enjoy its wonderful landscape, which at this time of year is a riot of colour from rhododendrons and azaleas mingled with fine specimen trees and pools.

"The Granary House garden and the Dower House garden will also be open at the same time, making is a very interesting and varied visit."

Meanwhile, visitors are welcome to Edge Villa, near Yockleton, on Wednesday for a huge plant sale.

Mrs Walter added: "One of the highlights of the NGS garden open year in Shropshire is the huge plant sale held on at Edge Villa, home of NGS county organisers, Bill and Chris Neil.

"Chris and Bill spend the previous year growing and nurturing a wonderful range of plants to sell at the garden opening with all proceeds from the plant sales going to NGS charities.

"The garden at Edge Villa, near Yockleton, is a plant lover's paradise with lovely deep borders packed with interesting, colourful plants in a rural setting with far-reaching views overlooking the south Shropshire Hills. There is a large productive garden, plus chickens, a rose border and natural pond with purple elder, irises and primulas. There is wheelchair access around the garden with some gravel paths."

Full details on the gardens can be found at by searching the Shropshire pages or follow @shropshireNGS on Twitter.

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