Shropshire Star

Former Shropshire marine in London to Paris cycle after neck and back break

Just before Ian Breeze was set to leave the military, he broke his back and neck.

Former marine Ian Breeze has fought back from a serious cycling injury to take part in a four-day ride from London to Paris

The former Royal Marine had served for 37 years, including three tours of Afghanistan, but an accident while out cycling left him in a medically induced coma.

It lasted for six months.

Now, to mark a milestone in his recovery, Ian will take part in the Pedal to Paris, a four-day ride from London to Paris.

Ian spent six months at Headley Court in Surrey, rehabilitating before signing up for the multi-activity course at the Legion owned Battle Back Centre.

He said: “It would be easy to let something like this get you down in the dumps but Battle Back put that in perspective for me.

"It made me realise you can’t sit at home feeling sorry for yourself, you only live once and you’ve got to get out there and do things.”

Ian decided to take on the challenge to ‘Pedal to Paris’ as part of his recovery as it would give him something to aim for.

He said: “I’ve always enjoyed cycling. I’m aiming to cycle 500 miles a month this year so I’ll definitely be ready for it. When I broke my back I thought my life was over but doing this will show that I am getting there and I just have to keep going.

“What I’m looking forward to about the ride is meeting other people who’ve been through their own difficulties and who are also passionate about cycling.

"’m looking forward to testing myself, it will help me to see what I’ve achieved and prove to myself what I’m capable of.”