Shropshire Star

Child races instead of sheep after Hoo Farm sheep racing row

Sheep racing at Shropshire tourist attraction Hoo Farm will be replaced by children’s races after a row with an animal rights group.

Animals racing and jumping barriers in a previous year’s Sheep Gold Cup event held at Hoo Farm, near Donnington

Youngsters will get a chance to take part in the fun run along the course usually used for the Sheep Gold Cup.

The sheep racing was set to take place on Monday but was cancelled after organisers received threats.

They followed the launch of a petition, eventually signed by more than 52,000 people worldwide, calling for the event at Hoo Farm, near Donnington in Telford, to be axed.

The people behind the petition, Lambentations, said they do not condone the threats sent to organisers.

Will Dorell, partner at Hoo Farm, said: “I’ve got no issue with Lambentations as people. I’ve got no doubt they would not condone the threats.

“At the end of the day I appreciate the threats are coming from a select number of people. Most of these people have no intention of acting on the threats. It’s frankly ridiculous, but we’ve got a young family and a bigger business than just this event.”


The children’s race is now set to take place on Sunday, and if there is demand the venue could stage more than one. Youngsters are being invited to dress up and run the course, which is usually run by sheep.

The winners of the races will get creme eggs as a prize. The sheep races could return to Hoo Farm in the future.

Mr Dorell said they would review the situation with animal experts and, if they give their approval, the races will return.

Sam Francis, from Lambentations, said she was happy the race had been cancelled.

“We believe that animals are not ours to use for entertainment or any other purposes, and doing so sends us back to the dark ages,” she said.

“In today’s modern world, with all our technology, I believe we can find much better ways to amuse ourselves that don’t involve exploiting sentient animals.

See also:

"As for the abuse that Hoo Farm have received – firstly I would like to state that Lambentations has not nor has ever verbally abused or threatened anyone, nor do we encourage or incite it from others.

"In fact we do not condone such behaviour. Such behaviour is actually counter-productive. However Lambentations has been on the receiving end of such abuse.

“Recently we received an email saying that they hope that whatever sheep are spared from being forced to race end up slaughtered and eaten – hardly proving that these people care about sheep.”