Shropshire Star

Anglers must wait before Shrewsbury fishing return

Anglers in Shrewsbury have been warned that the easing of lockdown rules doesn't mean the instant return of fishing.

Last updated

Shrewsbury Town Fisheries are not opening their waters until June 1 due to concerns that the general public will be exercising near its locations.

Some private fishing pools have reopened their waters, but Shrewsbury Town Fisheries has decided it is in the best interest of public safety to remain closed for now.

The group runs pools at Emstrey, Quarry Park, Rea Brook, Radbrook, County Ground, Coney Green, Sydney Avenue, Monkmoor and Mousecroft.

Andy Jones, fishery coordinator, said: "After discussions today with Shrewsbury Town Council who own our fisheries, we have decided that, due to the general public being present at our various locations for exercise, it would be sensible to keep our fisheries closed for fishing until June 1.

"We have to think of everyone’s safety including our staff. We will review the situation by June 1. With respect to the rivers being closed and with Mousecroft pool's development works for two weeks, we would in any case only have Radbrook pool to satisfy angling for our members."

He added: "We want everyone to get back to angling as soon as possible, to enjoy they’re sport but remain safe. We have added four months on to every members season permit for this year, provided you all renew your permit by its renewal date. This helps compensate for your lost fishing time.

"I know this year has been difficult to all our members with floods and now this. We will get back as soon as we can and we will keep improving your fisheries to help you enjoy the sport you love."

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