Shropshire Star

Primary pupils join tree planting effort to mark coronation of King Charles

A team of six primary school pupils have planted trees in their village for the coronation of the new king.

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Pupils from Norton-in-Hales School and community members including those from Norton-in-Hales in Bloom, who were planting trees to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III.

Children from Norton-In-Hales Primary School swapped classwork for spadework when they planted a row of trees around the boundary of the community car park in the centre of the village to mark the Coronation of King Charles III, due to take place in May.

The six pupils who carried out the work were chosen for the task by members of their school council.

They planted a row of seven Crab Apple trees around the boundary which overlooks the landscape leading to the River Tern.

Pupils from Norton in Hales School and community members including those from Norton in Hales in Bloom, who were planting trees to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III.

Sarah Moulson, the 59-year-old chairman of The Bloom Group of Norton-In-Hales, which hosted the event, said: "This has had to be done early because the planting could not be delayed.

"The trees have had to be planted now.

"The variety of tree, Prairie Fire, has been specifically chosen for its magnificent pink floral display in late spring, dark purple foliage colour and its persistent fruit which stays on the branches throughout the winter.

Una Cole with Zack, Kit, and Darcey, enjoying a cake break during the tree planting event.

"This will help provide nourishment for wildlife.

"Norton-In-Hales Parish Council has generously given permission for the trees to be planted in this location.

A plaque to commemorate the tree planting

"The council is the tenant of the area which is owned by shareholders of The Hind's Head who have also given permission."

Norton in Hales pupils Evie and Jacob with Sarah Moulson, Chair of the In Bloom group, at the tree planting.

The Bloom Group of Norton-In-Hales was set up in 2004 and has since gained many awards.

Members have won the Heart of England in Bloom competition several times and have also gone on to win at the national Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Britain in Bloom level three times.

Norton in Hales pupils Evie and Jacob with Sarah Moulson, Chair of the In Bloom group, at the tree planting.

The group was declared the RHS Bloom Champions in 2015 and also gained a gold medal at the 2019 results ceremony.

Further events to mark the coronation are now being planned to take place in the village during the year.