Shropshire Star

Witnesses sought as four hurt after car rolls down embankment near Bridgnorth

Police are appealing for witnesses after a car rolled down an embankment leaving four people needing hospital treatment.

Last updated
Police are appealing for witnesses following the incident near Bridgnorth

The crash happened at around 9.30pm on February 17 on the A454 at Roughton, near Bridgnorth, when a black Ford Fiesta left the road and fell down an embankment and into a hedge.

Four people required hospital treatment after the crash, although none of their injuries are believed to be life-threatening or life-changing.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: "We’d like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time and may have dash-cam footage of the collision itself, or the vehicle in the minutes before it."

The Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service said an appliance was scrambled from Bridgnorth but that firefighters left the scene after an hour once the stranded vehicle was made safe.

Anyone with information or footage is asked to contact PC Chris Stones on or 07870 162981.

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